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Eastleigh 10k – 2024 Race Review

Eastleigh 10k – 2024 Race Review


Category: Reviews

Review by Nigel Gibbens.

So, 24th March 2024, Eastleigh 10k road run. This was sponsored by Henry and run from Eastleigh Leisure Centre.

Weather condition was perfect for a run around the circuit at a balmy 8C with a small breeze.

First impressions and amenities

We travelled up by car, arriving at 0745, to find parking in Fleming Park was still available. However it was beginning to get a bit full and then parking would have to found around the streets near the leisure centre.

After parking we made our way to the run village to collect our T Shirts and make us of leg massage to get ready for the race. This appeared to be well organised and on production of your race number T Shirt was passed over.

Facilities at the Leisure complex were good plenty of toilets and lockers for bag drop if needed, with the proximity of the car it was not required. If you did not wash to use lockers and had to leave your bag, at your own risk it could be left in the main sports hall were Physio and T Shirts being handed out.

Eastleigh 10k 2024

Pre-race prep

With the weather being kind we started to meet up with other 545ers and a few GRR and Stubby Runners. Chin wag started and then the subject of start time finally came to the fore. Was 0900, 0915 or 0930. Taking to safe option we all took the 2-3 minute walk to the start line await the gun. Good choice as the start was at 0900 and on time. Good byes were said to the faster and slower runners and the run began.

During the race

The course was on roads throughout, obligatory potholes and drains filled the path as we made our way down the road. A shout out from Doctor Dan on the first straight was heard be but did not see, no glasses no see.

At 3.5km the only hill on the course showed up this is a steady climb and lasts for around 500m in total as you think you are getting to the top, a left turn is taken then another little climb and the hill is complete. This leads to a downhill section were thankfully you can get your breath back. Then it is all roads well sign posted and marshalled to the last 400m. At this point you enter the park and are encouraged by the crowds to go on to the finish line.

The whole event is well supported around the course and the marshals should great patience with the car drivers who had obviously not kept up to date with the local events. Pacers were provided for the race to encourage and indicate progression around the course for 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70. The 55 minute pacer was jovial and happy to chat to runners as the conducted there duties.

Final thoughts

Not that it would affect me in any way there were prizes for winners of age groups with prize money.

All in all, i had a great day and the event was well organised and a pleasure to participate in, i will be doing this again next year.

Wish you all the best in your running this year.